Hi beautiful human

Welcome to a safe place to land. My name is Paula and I am an energy work practitioner, self-care strategist, and multi-disciplinary creative. My mission is to support collective liberation by holding loving space for you to return home to the most authentic, free version of yourself.

Photo by Darius Krause on Pexels.com

A range of offerings to shift you from perfectionism and people pleasing to authenticity and freedom

As a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, I’ve lived through the struggle of constantly looking outside of myself for the answers and not feeling like I was worthy of love and support if I weren’t perfect. My offerings are a reflection of the tools and strategies that allowed me to define myself for myself and reconnect with my authenticity. I am honored and excited to share them with you.

“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.”

Audre Lorde

Transformative Energy Work

Transformative Energy Work is a healing modality developed by Kenneth Jover that blends the wisdom of ancient lineages and trauma informed approaches to create an integrated approaching to energy work. Through individual or group sessions, clients are able to release any blocks and recall their authentic energy.

Self-Care Strategy

Self-care, beyond the Western commodified version of it, is a life-giving practice that allows you to attune to your own needs and learn how to meet them consistently. In our work together, we’ll create a customized, actionable plan for integrating intentional self-care in your life to support the season you’re in.

Creative Expression

Creativity and play are important ways of connecting and expressing our authentic selves. Often times, struggling with people pleasing means that, in an effort to “keep the peace”, we lose sight of our own wants and needs. Cozy hobbies are a way to take up space for yourself and reconnect with your innate desires and preferences.

What the girlies are saying

Cimron C.

Transformative Energy Work Client

I had an amazing time and already seeing the changes in my energy and way I show up within the first 48 hours! I would say be as present and as open as possible, and let the magic work 🙂

Pamela A.

Transformative Energy Work Client

This session helped me reset, take a breather from life, and take a moment not worrying about all the things that may have been overwhelming me. I enjoyed the visualization and imagery Paula provided. Overall I think this gave me a clearer sense or direction or at least a starting point to work towards improvement.

Jess S.

Transformative Energy Work Client

I loved how I was able to take my focus off the noise during the week and tune into my own energy. Starting the session I felt like I was almost my whole self but still affected by other energy. At the end of the session, I felt like a brand new woman 😭 like fully tapped into myself.

Thoughts About Life